Privacy Statement
New legislation came into force on 25 May 2018 designed to provide individuals with more control over personal data and information held by third parties (GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION - GDPR).
Data Held on this Internet Site
Name of Email Recipient(s),
Email Address for Recipients,
How It Is Used
Registered Recipients receive messages, alerts and notifications from THE KINGSTON GORSE ESTATE WEBSITE by email. The data is not used in any other way and is not provided to other organisations.
Deletion of Information
If at any time you wish your personal information not to be used by THE KINGSTON GORSE WEB SITE and your email address deleted from the Email Alert distribution lists, please send an email to with your instruction. All such email received will be acknowledged to confirm that action has been taken and your data removed from the systems.
Liability Statement
This site is provided as a public service by the website provider. If you do not consent to this WEBSITE LIABILITY STATEMENT, exit this website now.
Use of this website consents to the following:
Disclaimer of Liability:
In preparation of this website, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct and clearly expressed information possible. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in information may occur. In particular, but without limiting anything here, the website provider disclaims any responsibility for typographical errors and accuracy of the information that may be contained on the Kingston Gorse Members Site web pages. The website provider also reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.
The information and data included on this site has been compiled from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. The website provider makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness or adequacy of such information and data.
If misleading, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate information is brought to the website providers attention, a reasonable effort will be made to fix or remove it. Such concerns should be sent to:
Disclaimer of Reliability:
The website provider makes no representations or warranties regarding the condition or functionality of this website, its suitability for use, or that this web service will be uninterrupted or error free.
Disclaimer of Damages:
By using this or any Kingston Gorse Members Site web pages, you assume all risks associated with the use of the site including any risk to your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus, software, or any other file which might be transmitted or activated via a Kingston Gorse Members Site web page or your access to it. The website provider shall not be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including, without limitation, lost revenues, or lost profits, resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained in Kingston Gorse Members Site web pages.
Disclaimer of Endorsement:
Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the website provider. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the website provider and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.
Links to Other Sites:
This site has links to other websites as a convenience to our users. These include links to websites operated by government agencies, nonprofit organizations and private businesses. When you use one of these links, you are no longer on this site.
When you follow a link to one of these sites neither the website provider, nor any officer, director, or staff of the website provider warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by these external sites, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, products, or services linked from these systems, and cannot be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of their information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current.